Super easy step by step instructions for kids on how to draw a manta ray! Watch the short video and download the free printable.
How To Draw For Kids
Here is where you'll find every single on of our how to draw lessons! It's a massive drawing library! You'll find lessons for young and old kids. You'll find everything from how to draw cupcakes to how to draw sharks. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a marker and follow along with us.
How To Draw A Snake
Just for kids, how to draw a snake! Not any ol’ snake, a COBRA!
How To Draw A Dog
Simple instructions on how to draw the cutest dog on this planet!
How To Draw A Scorpion
Really simple instructions on how to draw a scorpion for kids. Watch the short video, and download the free printable instructions.
How To Draw A Horse
This is dad’s favorite how to yet! It’s one of the hardest instructions we’ve done, but it’s still fun!
How To Draw A Princess
Really simple instructions for kids on how to draw a princess! Also watch the funny video and download the free step by steps.
How To Draw A Ladybug
Simple step by step instructions on how to draw a ladybug, perfect for really young artists. Watch the video and download the free steps.
How To Draw A Spider
Simple step by step instructions on how to draw a spider. Watch the short video, and download the free instructions.
How To Draw A Penguin
Ok, this how to draw a penguin was specifically for my little Hads. That’s why it may look extremely easy. Hads is three, so activities involving few steps and simple shapes seem perfect for her.
How To Draw A Rose
Valentines is coming up! Help your kids learn how to draw that perfect rose for that perfect person, even if that perfect person is you 😉
How To Shade A Cylinder With Charcoal
This how to shade a cylinder is the second post in a series that we’re working on. The first post, was…
How To Draw A Wreath
It was fun filming how to draw a wreath with my little Hads. She had a lot of fun to, even though…
How To Draw Crazy Christmas Elves
We had fun drawing Santa the other night, now it’s time to learn how to draw crazy Christmas elves! Chuckers was really excited to learn. If your family does elf on a shelf, your kids will probably get a kick out of this one.
How To Draw Santa
Learn how to draw Santa! We took our kids to see Santa on Saturday, they loved it! I thought Hads would be scared for sure. Nope, she wasn’t scared at all and even asked him for a dolly. It made me proud.
How To Shade A Sphere With Charcoal
Learn how to shade a sphere with charcoal! This is a fun foundational lesson on the basics of shading.
How To Draw A Fairy
Follow along with us and learn how to draw a super simple cute fairy. Materials Pencil, crayon, or marker Paper Watch How To Draw A Fairy
How To Draw A Cow
It’s not just how to draw a cow, it’s a magic cow! I know, it’s a little off the wall. Let me explain. A couple of days back we got a nice email from Leo, asking if we could do a post on drawing a cow. And because I’m a little weird, I thought I […]
How To Draw An Alien
How to draw an alien is sure to keep your kids busy on a Saturday morning! We had a little extra fun making this video. As you can see we drew a few aliens doing different things. After you watch this with your kids, encourage them to make their own aliens. Have them use their […]
How To Draw A Turkey
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, do your kids know how to draw a Turkey? It’s super easy! These instructions were easy for my 6-year-old, but a little difficult for my 3-year-old. But that didn’t stop her from trying! She actually did a really good job. Materials Paper Pencil, crayon, or marker Watch How To […]
How To Draw A Jack O’Lantern
My kids are already going nuts about Halloween, how about yours? It doesn’t help that the stores have had the decorations out for a couple of weeks. So I thought if the stores are doing it, and the kids are already freaking out, why not join in.
How To Draw A Cat
We’re not big cat people (the wife is allergic), but the little Hads loves anything that’s cute and fluffy!
How To Draw A 3D Box
Follow along with us and learn how to draw a super simple 3d box! Materials Paper Pen, pencil, marker, or crayon If you’re having trouble watching the video here, watch How To Draw A 3D Box on YouTube!
How To Draw A Butterfly
Follow along with us and learn how to draw a super simple butterfly. I was so proud of how Had’s butterfly turned out. Remind your little artists that it’s ok if their drawings don’t look like ours. The most important thing is to have fun. Materials Paper Pencil, pen, marker, or crayon
How To Draw A Dragon
How to draw a dragon was meant to be a little more difficult. I have a six-year-old and a 3-year-old. Sometimes it’s difficult to teach them both at the same time.
Art for Kids YouTube Channel!
Art for Kids now has a YouTube channel! We had fun this weekend setting up the channel and shooting our first epic video. In fact “Chuckers” and “Hads” had so much fun doing it, I’m sure will be filming the next one today.
How To Draw A Monster!
Anytime the kids are bored waiting for something (whether it’s food, weather, a line, mom…hope she doesn’t read this post), the kids will ask me how to draw a monster on my iPhone…then of course it’s their turn after I’m done.
How To Draw A Frog – Free Download
What’s better than a frog…how about learning how to draw a frog? Even better, how about learning how to draw a funny frog 🙂
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